
While we are on the qualities of Outlook, is there any way to kill/get rid of/make invisible that strip of advertisements on the right side of my screen?

You’ve probably heard the old adage that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Well, its true. As much as we love using free online tools like Outlook.com, somebody has to pay the bills to help develop and maintain the service. Microsoft, Google, Yahoo! and numerous other sites, do this through advertisements. Online ads can be annoying, frustrating, or just plain distracting, however, there are a couple of things you can do to remove ads from Outlook.com.

1. Upgrade to Outlook Plus

Outlook.com is a free email service for all who want to use it, but Microsoft offers a paid version of the service called Outlook Plus. For $19.95 a year, you can upgrade to Outlook Plus and get a completely ad-free experience when reading your email. So, the bar on the right hand-side of your screen that usually contains advertisements is removed for Outlook 
Plus users. 

To upgrade to Outlook Plus, login to your Outlook.com account and click the gear in the top right hand corner of the screen. Then select More Settings

more settings in outlook.com

On the next screen, under Managing Your Account, click Upgrade to Ad-Free Outlook.

upgrade account in outlook settings

This will take you to the Outlook Plus page where you can click Upgrade Now where you will add your billing details and begin the process of upgrading your account. 

ad-free outlook plus

2. Use an Ad Blocker
If $19.95 a year is more than you want to pay to remove ads on Outlook.com, the your other option is to use an ad blocker. An ad blocker is a add-on for your browser that detects ads on a webpage and hide them so that they are invisible to the naked eye. There are several to choose from, and most are free, but a good one to start with is AdBlock Plus.

adblock plus app

Adblock Plus is available for a number of popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, and installing it is easy. Simply go to the AdBlock Plus website and click in the green Install button to add it to your browser for free.

install adblock plus

Once installed, navigate back to Outlook.com and take a look at the sidebar on the right hand side where the ads used to be, and be prepared for a pleasant surprise. The ads that once littered your inbox are now hidden from view!

ad free outlook

