
This site offers you live web cam feed of a Hedgehog!
The video auto plays upon arrival, and will start with an advertisement. Then it will switch to the Hedgehog feed where you can watch Echo go about her hedgehog business.
If you’re watching while the hedgehog is asleep you can check out the highlight from the night before in the lower right corner of the video. The hedgehog is active around 9 pm EST when it like to get up, eat, and exercise.
If you’d rather come back and watch when Echo is up, that’s fine, but remember in the meantime you can also check out the other Live Cams. There are a lot to choose from! You’ll find them located at the bottom of the page, you can use the arrow on the right side of the page to scroll for more options. You have your choice of fish, sharks, birds, otters, and even kittens and puppies!
I know I’ll be bookmarking this one for those times when I want to see adorable animals interacting with their environments. Check it out today!

