
In response to a previous article about Facebook Game Lists, Chris commented on our Facebook page. He says, “Why don’t you tell the people that don’t play games how to block them? The games want to send requests/gifts (that go into notifications) to everybody that is on your friends list not just the ones that play the game, whether you have a custom list or not. With all the friends on your list that you collect just for gaming purposes, especially if you play more than one game, you can’t try to remember all the names of people who don’t play a particular game as to send requests/gifts to them or not.”

That is an excellent point, Chris. To completely block a game, you have to go into your Facebook settings. This is done by clicking the down arrow/triangle at the top of the desktop version of Facebook, then clicking on Settings.

On the side bar on the left, click on Blocking. You’ll then see the menu that says Manage Blocking come up. First, you can block app invites from a particular person.  Once you add that person to the list, you’ll not see any more invites from them for any game.

Lower on the screen, you will see the Block Apps section. This blocks the app from contacting you completely. Just type the name of the app in the box, and suggestions will come up. Click on the app, and it will be added to the list. If you want to unblock an app you may have accidentally blocked, you can do this from here as well.

If you just want to hide an app from your newsfeed, you can also do that from the newsfeed itself. Each post will have a little down arrow to the right of the post. When you click that, you should see the option to “Hide all from” that game.

This will keep any posts from that game coming up in the newsfeed, but it will not stop you from getting invites. However, blocking the game completely will keep you from getting any invites.

