
You will need to have an e-mail client like LiveMail, Outlook, Thunderbird or the Windows 8.1 Mail app installed on your computer. If you have an 8.1 computer the Mail app is pre-installed. If it is not installed on your Windows 7 computer, you can download it at this link as part of Windows Essentials.

You will also need to log into your Gmail account in your browser and click on Settings in the upper-right of your inbox.

Choose the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab and then select Enable IMAP under IMAP Access.

You’ll need to configure your e-mail client to receive your Gmail. In most cases, that is as simple as putting in your Gmail address and password. For LiveMail, click the + sign in the upper left.

Then add your information.

You’ll also need to make sure that your e-mail client is the default program for sending things like photos or documents via e-mail. Type “default programs” into your Start Menu search box or Windows 8.1 Search Charm and click on the search result.

Select the program you wish to use as your default mail client.

Then click Choose defaults for this program.

The Set Associations window will open. Scroll down to the bottom and check the tick box by Send mail command. Then choose save.

When you want to send a WordPad document, just click the drop-down menu in the upper-left and select Send in e-mail. It’s a little bit of a process to get started, but you only need to do it the one time.

You could also just save your document, open Gmail in your browser and start a new message. Then click the add attachment symbol at the bottom of your message.

Then select the document to attach.
Hope this helps.

