
You know how Word will autocorrect your misspellings of things like “teh” instead of “the”? Did you know you can add words that you commonly misspell or mistype to that list? And it’s pretty simple.

Now, my screenshots are taken from Word 2013 in Office 365, however, it will be similar in Word 2010  or even 2007. To begin, we need to open the Word menu and options section. In Word 2013, I just hit the File menu. If that doesn’t work, you can just hit the Office button. 

At the bottom, you’ll see the Options menu. Once you open it, you want to click on Proofing on the left side. Then click on Autocorrect Options.

At the bottom, you’ll see the standard Autocorrect entries that Word has already in place. If you want to delete any here, you can certainly do that. But you can also add some entries. For example, I found out fairly quickly that I tend to type “Interent” rather than “Internet” so I added that to my list.

 Now it automatically fixes it for me.

Another great way to use the Autocorrect feature is if you have a long name or business title that you type frequently. For example, if I wanted to, I could use WS and set it to automatically change to WorldStart by using the Autocorrect feature. 

Or another example, I graduated from Bowling Green State University (Go Falcons!). That’s a long name. If I worked there or still went there, I could set it so that BGSU always corrected to Bowling Green State University.

