
Google Voice has finally employed effective MMS integration into its voice messaging and calling service with almost 100 carriers in North America supporting the functionality. Google’s Alex Wiesen took to Google+ to make the announcement, saying: “When your sister texts you a picture of your newborn niece, it’s really important that you get it. For too long, however, Google Voice users would miss these messages for lack of MMS support.”  
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Sending MMS messages now works as it should with Google Voice and Hangouts.
Interestingly, though most of the major US OEM’s are on board (sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile), Verizon is curiously missing from the roster. It will likely only be a matter of time before it signs on, but until then, Verizon users are sadly being left behind.
It's great to see that Google has made a concerted effort to address this problem, which has also plagued Hangouts recently, to improve the free service with the end-user in mind. There are no app updates to download from the Play Store to get the new MMS functionality, the improvements should already be present the next time you send a message. Give it a try with Google Voice or Hangouts and let us know if it works for you in the comments below!
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