
1.Go to the Start screen (Press the Windows key)
2.Click on the Mail application
3.On the left side, click on Add your email accounts
4In the following example I will select Google
5.Enter in your Google E-Mail Account and password. Check if you want your Google contacts and calendar (which will the sync to your Windows8 People and Calendar
6.Click on the Connect button
7.By default, it will only sync two weeks of e-mail. If you would like to change that, move your mouse to the upper right corner and select Settings
8Click on Accounts
9.Click on your Gmail account
10.From here you can change the amount of time to sync.
11.You can also change your signature
12.When you are done, simply press the back arrow that is at the top of the screen.
13.To create a new e-mail, click on the + at the top of the screen.
14.To create add more e-mail accounts, click on Settings / Accounts again. The Add an account.
15.New accounts will show on the left panel sorted alphabetically. If you want, you can rename the accounts so they sort however you would like.
16.Here's a screenshot of how I added the OneComputerGuy e-mail

